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Stress Relief

Stress Relief

What is stress?
As mind and body are different, both work in different ways. This can be understood through the science of astrology by considering the 1 st house and the 5 th house in the horoscope. Stress is immersing the body, mind and emotions into a challenging situation. These are the natural responses of our body and mind when we have to respond to situations like a difficult work schedule, a sudden emergency, etc. Stress can affect both positively and negatively. And the extent to which it affects us depends on the situation and our threshold mechanisms. When we experience stress, our bodies release hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, which increases the heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration. It can cause many physical symptoms such as headaches, muscle stiffness and digestive problems. Stress can also affect our mental and emotional health, leading to anxiety, depression and irritability.

While some stress can be beneficial for us to focus and stay motivated, chronic or excessive stress can have negative effects on our health and well-being. To avoid long term negative effects, our experienced astrologers will advise the remedies by predicting the Lagna and 5th house positions in their horoscope.

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